My Keys to Success

I went three for three on the CFA® exams. There was (no question) some level of luck and good fortune, I do believe there were a few things I did that aided my success, and maybe some or all can help you on your own successful path.

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Derek Dedman
Why the CFA® Charter Worked For Me

When I saw a request go out for help sharing my experience and insight by contributing a guest post to a new blog, I thought it would be a great opportunity to shine a light on a smaller group in the CFA charterholder community.  I am a CFA charterholder, and I do not work in the money management or financial services industry.

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Randy Johnson
Seeking a Higher Meaning of Alpha

The word alpha has many meanings. In finance, we use the term to describe the excess risk-adjusted rate of return in reference to some benchmark. This definition is in no way incorrect, but it’s a shallow application of the word.

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Ben Boulris
Twists, Inversions, Shape Shifters—Three Theories

The time or term structure of interest rates, often referred to as “yield curves,” moves continuously as bond prices respond to changes in interest rates. The yield curve graphs this relationship between bond yields (change in price reflected in yield) and bond maturity (time or term).  

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Gayle Buff
CFA Level I: Final Lap to Your Examination

So you made a decision to become a CFA® charterholder, registered for the CFA level 1 exams, and have prepared thus far. Well done!  

Now, remember, CFA Level 1 is only the first of three battles which you have to wage to get to your goal: the CFA charter.

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Ike Amadi
The Importance of Passing CFA® Level II

Would you like to say you “just got started” or that you are “almost done”? Would you rather be at the beginning, or near the end of accomplishing a significant goal in your life and career? This is the difference between failing and passing CFA Level II.

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Razvan Ionescu
Thoughts on Passing the CFA® Exam from a Non-Finance Type

My background may differ from many candidates, in that although I work at an asset management firm, I work in a legal-compliance role. Even though I do not participate in core investment analysis for my firm, pursuing the CFA charter has been invaluable to me in terms of having the proper context to give guidance.

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Samuel Kim
The CFA® Path Led Me to Gold Mining

Of the few online searches I did on CFA career paths when I first contemplated writing my Level I exam 15 years ago, working in the mining space was not on any top 10 lists that I came across. Yet in the decade that has passed since I first started my mining career (mostly gold, with some copper and a sprinkle of silver), I have worked closely with both the buy-side and sell-side while simultaneously acquiring industry-specific knowledge.

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Khalid Elhaj
Survivorship and Related Biases

Ever see one of those Facebook posts that shows kids riding in the back of a pickup truck, maybe back in the 1950s, with commentary something like “We didn’t wear seat belts and we turned out just fine.”? Such posts are supposed to speak to an over-reaching nanny state, I suppose.

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John Howe
The Importance of the Investment Horizon

We cannot predict the markets—or can we? History repeats is an old saying that proves to be true for markets! Markets, over time, follow rules which are scientifically investigated and proven. Therefore, there are three basic things that you have to consider when investing—under special consideration of a long investment horizon.

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Jan-Patrick Cap
Embrace the Challenge

An average four-year commitment to pass all three exams is not your typical career stepping stone. Accomplishing this crazy feat in the minimum two and a half years should warrant an extra letter in the designation for awesomeness, or receive some sort of lifetime VIP pass to…well, EVERYTHING.

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Albert Chang